“The first draft is just you telling the story”
Nicole Sallak Anderson is Computer Science graduate from Purdue University, and former CTO for a small Silicon Valley startup, turned novelist, speaker, and essayist. Her writing ranges from AI and Zen to tiny house living to direct democracy to the loneliness of modern parenting— featured as a top twenty story on Medium. She is the author of seven novels and a memoir. All books are available on Amazon, Audible, and her website.
In August of 2020, Nicole and her family lost their home, pets, and all their belongings to the CZU Lightning wildfire in Northern California. Many of her essays since that pivotal event have focused on rebuilding a life from ashes, as well as the environmental and societal impacts of housing in an age of climate disaster. Her memoir, Wildfire: Losing Everything, Gaining the World, shares this journey with readers. Wildfire is a story of rage and despair, guilt and hope in the face of an environmental disaster. It is about the sacrifices it takes to be a steward rather than an owner of this beautiful planet we call home.
You can keep up with all her latest writing and releases on her website nicolesallakanderson.com or by following @NSallakAnderson on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Medium. You can also follow her wildfire journey and tiny home living experience on her Substack, “A Bedroom with the Bees,” https://nicoleanderson.substack.com/. Feel free to contact her, she always answers any query or comment!